Our Philosophy

“Stress inoculation is the key to achieving optimal performance in the field. I believe RBT is the key to achieving useful, realistic stress inoculation”
–Ray DeFrates


The philosophy of Reality Based Training Consulting is to give trainers the understanding, knowledge, and skill to provide their students a safe environment to practice skills learned in the classroom under the stress of realistic scenarios. The “Socratic method” of student lead learning is the keystone to successful understanding by the student, leading to improved performance and officer safety.


The mission of Reality Based Training Consulting is to enhance the performance and professional status of law enforcement, U.S. Military, and private security personnel. Reality Based Training Consulting will provide our clients with the development of a credible Reality Based Training program.

Need assistance with an existing program?

Enhance your program and its participants with RBT's professional consulting services.

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Are you starting a new training program?

From development to implementation, RBT Consulting will guide you through every phase of training.

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